Iona Stephen, professional ladies golfer
Iona spends her winters down here in the Algarve, in the cosseted luxury of the Quinta do Lago resort. Listen to her discuss the famed Laranjal golf resort and assorted places and things to do in the area. Enjoy it!
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Iona Stephen show notes
- Growing up in Scotland and getting to play junior international hockey, lacrosse, athletics.
- Daily routine at Laranjal Golf Course in Quinta do Lago.
- Practising tee shots off the 5th at Laranjal.
- Iona’s favourite restaurant in the Algarve: Casavostra Pizzeria
- She also mentioned a restaurant which she couldn’t quite recall the name. It’s Churrasqueira Ribeiro.
- The all-you-can-eat fish restaurant in Faro I mentioned is just called “Grilled Fish” or Peixe Assado.
- Activities in the Algarve and naturally Stand Up Paddle tours.