Episode 2 / Trans Algarve Podcast
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Show notes: Mauro Engler
Mauro Engler formed part of a three man expedition to be the first people to ever stand up paddle all the way across the Algarve. Mauro and Nick run Algarve SUP (a stand up paddling touring and adventure company) based in Faro and Armação de Pera. He has a degree in sports science from the University of Algarve.
Back in November 2015 Mauro, myself (Nick Robinson) and Spike Reid set off from Sagres in the south west and took 6 nights to stand up paddle across the Algarve. To our knowledge it had never been done before. Find out how we felt and what transpired as we endured this near week long journey.
Huge thanks to Mauro for spending the time on this interview. You can get in touch with him through Algarve SUP.
Interesting content related to this episode
Trans Algarve SUP map
You can see the route we took and the night stops where we camped.
Albufeira Storm
The night before we were supposed to leave a large storm passed over the Algarve. Here is a news report about it. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/portugal-floods-albufeira-deadly-storm-devils-act-says-minister-1527004
YouTube Video Playlist of the SUP adventure
We managed to capture a lot of video from the trip covering almost 1 hour’s worth of content. If you’re interested kick back, relax and follow our journey on YouTube.
Photos from the stand up paddle trip
Follow the trip through photographs we took along the way. As you can see the weather in November isn’t always sun and fun, but it’s warm enough.